almost 9 years ago
The Mall/ The Deceased/ Astral Experiences

May 28 2015

All I know is that I was on some sort of mission, a strange one. I know thatI was not alone in this mission. We knew something about the place we were in was strange. It is to bad I cannot remember what happened in detail, but I remember the feelings I had.

I'm in the food court and I walk by a stand where this Arabian looking man has fruit cups on sale and peach juice that I liked as a child. I know him from going to this location before but he doesn't seem to recognize me too much. I buy the stuff and he is a bit crabby. I eat it. Again, once I eat something in dreams, things go dark very soon.
The mall appears as if it is closing. The lights dim. The Arabian man is gone and I go behind the counter. There is some sort of clue there that causes me grab a pen and paper and write down something very important. A tall skinny red head with short hair, who looks like a drug attic comes up to me and demands chicken wings. I don't want to draw attention to myself so I look for the wings and pop them in the oven and continue to write. Unfortunately I cannot remember what is was.

I am upstairs now, I believe something has followed me up here. At this point things seem to look blurry in the edges, but almost blurry in a way that I can see particles.
I am in a store, and my sister Alessandra owns a clothing store across from this store. My store is full of wall mirrors and I don't see much in it. I yell for Alessandra but she does not come. I know this is a dream now, for everything becomes more vivid and strange. I know that if I jump into this mirror that I will appear in another dimension. I do this and it feels like something is behind me, chasing me or following. I appear in a dark void, I cannot see a thing. Just darkness, I feel scared as if whatever is following me is creeping up close. I attempt to make myself appear back to the mirror to try again. So I try again and I am in this hall where my mom walks by and says she has to use the washroom. I am stuck on the wall, theres a force pulling me towards the bathroom, making my legs flail about the wall but my torso remains stuck there. I yell for my sisters help, she comes out of her room and looks confused. Then a little terrified. I am screaming for help but she doesn't do anything. Then I yell for my Mom. I yell so loud I wake up and I am still yelling for her. I am surprised my bf did not wake up.

I am in a forest and it's dark with blue lighting. I'm sitting on a bench with my uncles and grandpa. Theres a fire right next to the bench. We are eating chicken wings now, and some other stuff. My uncles I remember seeing was Uncle Scum, Uncle Dull, someone else and my grandpa Tucker. I suggested out of nowhere without even remembering who he was, to burn some food for Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam is one of the brothers who was an alcoholic and kind of a lone wolf. He died on his birthday in strange circumstances. Shortly after we moved into his house, which was pretty haunted, this was 10 years ago. We were so hungry though, we ate everything, all that was left was the bones, so we tossed it in the fire, a little ashamed of ourselves.

I wake up, (at least I think I did) and my bf is laying there and he is repeating the name Uncle Sam over and over again. He also says some other names but I can't remember them. I push him to make him stop and be quiet. He is frightening me. But it doesn't work and eventually he stops. I wonder who Uncle Sam is and remember. Then I fall back asleep and I am in a sleep paralysis. I scratch at my bf's thighs for him to wake me up. He doesn't seem aware that I am doing this. At this point I know that it's no use and this never works to get out of it. I slowly regain power to move and then I know I am about to astral travel. I yell at him, "I want to explore the world!". He panics, and I move quickly before he can do anything strange, as he usually does in these projections. He reaches out to me and slowly gets out of bed. I am trying my hardest to get away, as my body is weak and slow. The house will not let me out. I push against the right side of the wall but I am trapped. I then decide to go through the floor to get downstairs, knowing this is never a good plan, because I believe going to lower ground means there could me some creepy spirits. So I dissipate through and I get to the front door to try leave but it's to late. My bf wakes me up and I am back to real life.

Interesting notes and conclusions:

1) Every time I eat something, the dream gets darker and I go lucid
2) Possible Akashic Pulse that was pulling me towards the bathroom.
3) Stu did not want me to go in my dreams, and coincidentally woke me up in real life. It this because he was trying to protect me from something? It could be since it would not have been safe for me to go at the power level I had.

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