almost 13 years ago
really angry. In a dark place where there

really angry. In a dark place where there are a lot of people. Fighting, physical fight. I am punching people, my knuckles are bleeding and my face is bleeding but i refuse to feel and i am just fighting, someone is hitting me on my head with a iron rod but i don't care i focus my energy on the rod and the next time he hits me on the head the rod snaps. I keep hitting people as they hit me back, i am bleeding now, the skin from my face has started to come off, my right eye comes off and my nose breaks. My hand breaks and i cannot hit anymore but i still keep walking forward, i am trying to get out of this crowd of maniacs. Everyone is cheering this crowd as they are beating me and i am just trying to get my way out.
I can hardly see anything, in my dream i know things are blurry as i am really injured, but in between these flashes i still keep walking. I am at a carnival i realize while all this is happening.
I finally make my way out of the crowd and am still angry, a big man comes towards me, he is completely naked and he is looking at me threateningly. The entire crowd seems to be getting pleasure out of trying to beat me up. The giant of a man holds my head and gets ready to punch me but i scream very loudly into his face and its as if all my energy escapes my voice and hits him and he falls back. He is scared now. I am bleeding a lot. I leave the carnival and it is raining outside. As soon as i reach outside i realize that i am not as injured as i felt i was when i was inside the carnival. Only a few broken bones and my nose is broken. I let the rain wash away my flowing blood and i keep walking forward. I feel stronger now. I can feel that some people from the carnival are following me, but i know that they cannot do anything to me.
I walk a little ahead and i see this lake or pond in front of me and there are a lot of dogs there playing in the water and as soon as they see me they come running towards me and i feel very happy. One of the dogs sticks by me while the rest leave and go back to playing. He is brown in color and very happy to see me. I feel as if he is giving me a hug and i sit with him in front of the lake and stare at the water. He just sits next to me peacefully and licks my wounds clean. Then i think that he must belong to someone as i realize he has a collar around his neck. I decide to get up and find out where he has come from.

I am near a forest now, right outside it and the sky is acting crazy, it is as if the sun is setting in fast forward. But the sky is not full of colors like sunset. IT is cloudy and the sun is on top of me but all of a sudden i see that the sun is fading out and turning into the moon and all these clouds come rushing in from the north and stars appear in front of the clouds and the stars are very bright. I look around and see that the dog has walked further into the forest and i begin to follow him. I enter the forest and i realize that i can jump really high and cover large distances inside the forest, i am almost floating and flying at the same time. The dog is running really fast next to me, as if he is taking me somewhere. He is shifting from being an eagle to a dog and then finally we reach a clearing in the forest. There i can see the sky again clearly and i see that there is a big light in the sky as if there is a very big star in the sky and there is nothing else that i can see in the sky and it is illuminating the whole of the ground and the forest now. In the clearing i look around trying to find the dog but i see that there is a man in a black cloak standing in the middle and waiting for me. The dog seems scared but i dont feel scared> a little bit yes but i know that there is nothing i can get by feeling scared so i walk towards him and ask him if he knows who owns this dog. Somehow i havent seen his face yet but i know that there is a man under the hood. But when the person takes the hood off i feel happy all of a sudden> its not a man but a woman who is standing in front of me, she has black hair and piercing eyes and looks straight at me and smiles.
i think i have seen her before in my dreams and i remember in my dream that i had dreamt of being in a cave some nights back and that there was a woman there as well. While i am telling her that i dreamt of being in a cave some nights back i realized that i am dreaming right now as well and all of a sudden i become lucid and look around me and everything becomes very real all of a sudden.

I could see the trees around me. I could feel the cold in the air, the light from the one star in the sky was very bright. I saw my hands and my knuckles were almost healed again. I felt stronger than before and i knew that i was there. It was strange as if i had woken up into my reality. I looked at the woman and tried to focus on her face but i couldnt see what she exactly looked like, her face seemed to be fluid and the light from the star was reflecting off her face and confusing me. I felt like holding her face and kissing her, not sexually but with love and i asked her if i could and she came towards me and she held my face. I could feel her nose brush mine and her skin on my face and her skin didnt feel like skin, it felt like some strange solid mist that my face was being enveloped by and i closed my eyes and for those brief moments i stopped breathing and then i opened my eyes and she was almost disappearing from under her hood, she was turning into mist. I was very sad and i asked her not to leave me. She just smiled to me and i looked around to see her dog sitting in front of me next to her. He was also slowly disappearing and then all of a sudden he turned into an eagle and he flew off and i looked up to the sky and he flew towards the sky really fast. And I looked at the woman again and i started to cry and i went to her and held her and as soon as i held her she turned solid again and she held me back and i could feel this huge hollow pain in my chest and i looked at her face and she was very sad as well.

i dont know when i stopped being lucid or what happened after that but i have strange memories of a boat after that and the carnival again and this time the carnival was empty but a few normal looking people who were not scared of me there and they didnt mean any harm to me. but the entire carnival had shut down and become old and the only thing that was there was this small pool of water which they told me was still working and i decided to enter the pool but i realized that the machine attached to it was not working. i didnt say anything. i just felt very empty and unable and unwilling to do anything. emotionless.

then i woke up.

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