almost 9 years ago
diagramless not completed
uneventful dream
unknown solver
black-and-white pattern
random squares

Morning of July 25, 2015. Saturday.

I had a very bland dream of looking at an unsolved diagramless crossword puzzle (which I had never been a fan of though had solved a few in my life). It does not seem to have been worked on correctly, as there are no symmetrical or mirrored aspects anywhere - the black squares seem all random. More oddly, no words have been filled in, which you would have to at least know some of to begin the implied pattern. I am not sure where the puzzle came from or who had been working on it.

It is possible that this dream was only a surfacing memory with in-dream distortion relating to when my older sister Marilyn gave me all of her puzzle books (including ones with pages of diagramless puzzles) going back to the 1950s and which I no longer possess (I wanted them to be in her house again, though they were probably discarded when she passed on). It could also relate to my view of society as somewhat random and not very organized or responding correctly to clues or other information, including the nature of authority and government.

uneventful dream
dream dictionaries
diagramless not completed
dream dictionaries
random squares
dream dictionaries
black-and-white pattern
dream dictionaries
unknown solver
dream dictionaries
theta b3.0
random dream...
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