almost 10 years ago
annoyed by small dogs
movie influence on dream
Two ladies above

Morning of July 20, 2014. Sunday.

I believe this dream was partly influenced from recently seeing that awful movie “Dead and Gone” from 2008. Sped-up or similarly manipulated scenes in movies these days are one of the most annoying blights of modern cinema and I cannot understand why people deliberately ruin movies this way. When did “faster” go from being over-the-top comedic (and completely unrealistic as such) to supposedly “scarey”? My dream had also been influenced by a movie from the night before, which was a very mild Korean horror film (“Forbidden Floor” from 2006) which was not all that bad, though it did have a bit of pointlessly irritating sped-up rubbish relating to the “ghost”, but less than the other movie.

My wife and family and I are living in a house that vaguely reminds me of the house on Barolin Street, but is of two storeys. The area is also a bit isolated, with a very large empty lot on at least the north side of the building (but separated by a taller wooden fence). We live downstairs and two unknown older ladies live on the second floor. Over time, the ladies complain about us being too noisy when we had not made any noise at all (and were not even home during one supposed noise-making time period). (This of course, sounds rather odd anyway, as we are the ones living downstairs.) At one point, one of the older ladies moves towards me with her usual in-dream complaining and with hatred in her eyes (looking quite a bit like the several women from “Dead and Gone” - none of whom I could really tell apart very well, which made it hard for me to follow). I am in the larger empty lot at that point, having gone through the gate. I notice that my in-dream weapon of choice, a large silver dumbbell bar, is leaning against the fence on the inside of the large lot, to the right of the gate. I eventually hit her on the head a couple times (she seems somewhat “demonic” by this point) and then dig a large hole to bury her, thankful that I do not have to put up with at least one of the ladies from above from that point.

I go into the house and there are soon apparently visitors, but I do not know who yet or whether or not they are connected with authority. At this point, the female I had killed in my dream, and supposedly buried, somehow becomes a manilla folder of documents, and I stick it between some other documents in the closet to “hide her body” (the closet of which looks much like the large bathroom storage cupboard where we now live but rotated 180 degrees around so that it faces north, and is mostly filled with textbooks and papers. (As such, it also vaguely reminds me of where my mother-in-law had moved from, leaving her place such an utter disaster that it caused her landlord to actually stop being in the rental business).

My wife and I sit down on a couch that faces east though the room seems similar to the Stadcor Street living room now. Our large German Shepherd dog comes in (we do not have a dog in reality) from our left, as well as a large older (unfamiliar) cat. Three smaller dogs (which are somewhat like a cross between darker-colored terriers and chihuahuas) that belonged to the ladies upstairs also come in. We talk about how we can stop these small irritating dogs (that do not even belong to us and are completely unwanted in our residence) from coming in as my dream loses coherence.

movie influence on dream
dream dictionaries
annoyed by small dogs
dream dictionaries
theta b3.0
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