35 years ago
holland perry
niles perry
the other movie influence
toy harpsichord
the perry family
Visiting Niles...or Holland?

Morning of March 16, 1989. Thursday. (Anniversary of classmate Michael G’s death in 1974. Newly researched and studied April 23, 2015.)

I am entering the house (probably from the front door though the layout is different) and home of Niles and Holland Perry (from the movie “The Other” from 1972) as if I am a part of the family or a very close long-term friend. I am not at all aware of what city or state it is or should be, but I feel as if I know this place from actual visits. (I had known each scene and line from the movie, and the eerie opening theme is probably more recurrent in my mind than any other music during the course of my life). It seems to be late morning, perhaps around 10 o’clock. I see sunlight streaming through the windows. My dream, however, is not faithfully atmospheric (in an occult or potential “horror” sense) to the movie or with any relevant mood other than with a pleasant sort of nostalgic feel - or maybe it is described better as an enhanced essence of the movie before the plot intent is unveiled. There is a very comfortable feeling of timelessness and perfection (as well as being within another time in afterthought). It is rare that a movie-related setting has such a personally “realistic” feeling in a dream.

I walk with either Niles or Holland across the living room and there is a very cheerful mood. Everything seems quite vivid and there is no threat of any kind from anyone. I am eventually right at the lesser point of lucidity, but not quite full lucidity or of the type where I desire to question or change anything. Mostly all that happens is that I see an unusual and colorful toy harpsichord in one corner of the room sitting atop a rectangular antique end table (which was not in the movie). I do not recognize that it is “out of place” in any way. In fact, it seems as if I am seeing something special that the Perry family had never shown to outsiders, although it does have a sense of personal familiarity for some reason.

the other movie influence
dream dictionaries
niles perry
dream dictionaries
holland perry
dream dictionaries
the perry family
dream dictionaries
toy harpsichord
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