almost 11 years ago
clone of youngest son
young son as vampire
Cloned Vampire Son?

Morning of May 11, 2013. Saturday.

This was a very odd, very vivid dream (semi-lucid, becoming fully lucid). It may have resulted from a new type of meditation and focused affirmations I have just been trying for the first time (which always brings unexpected new dreams that are sometimes far from actual intent in meditation and projection the first time around). It goes along the lines of mentally saying "One point one, I am dreaming...", "this (previous projection session) is in my dream", "Two point one, I am dreaming...", and so on, up to "One hundred point one...I am dreaming..." assuming I get that far before shifting into my dream state. I use the "point one" system because if I decide to continue with "programs" in this same way, I will have to continue with "point two" and so on, so as not to confuse session elements and sequences at a later date.

In my dream, I am in a typical combined structure of two bigger places we lived several years ago; the one at Barolin Street in this town, and Stadcor Street in Brisbane. I get out of bed, thinking I am in my dream, and I am, but for some reason, I soon decide it is too "real" to be a dream, even though it is a fictional composite building I am in. I sometimes wonder how people could dream of real (undistorted), individual locations, when my wife and I often dream of composite locations (two or more) or altered features, as even when we know the place, there are usually additional rooms or elements from other locations (past, present, and future). Over the past twenty years it often has even been two or more countries (or cities or states) in the "same place". This seems "normal" to me, as (especially longer) dreams are mostly a "unification" (or attempted "resolving") of past (including postcognition), present (including remote viewing), and future (precognition).

I soon become aware that our youngest son has somehow been duplicated as some sort of random half-formed tulpa, getting energies from an unknown source, perhaps my residual layered hypnagogic constructs set up earlier. Not only that, he is a "vampire" (however, his teeth mostly come out more like that of a rattlesnake than a movie vampire). I hold onto him so he does not get away and cause trouble or fool other people, as he is wearing the same clothes as our real son and is becoming less transparent as I hold him. The rest of my family comes in (including our real youngest son) and my wife is amazed, though somewhat wary.

We have to get rid of him, and it does not matter how, as he is only an imaginary form with no real soul or purpose, and is even annoying to the real version of "him". Eventually, I am not sure how, he just turns into ash (sunlight or fresh air coming in?) which blows away before any threatening drama unfolds.

In real life that morning (and with postcognition), my wife had then told me (after I mentioned my dream) that she was presently reading a book from the library which I did not know about at all - in which a vampire has the name of our son as in my dream, which is "Oliver", an "unlikely" name for a vampire. The level of postcognition (and precognition) relative to my family seems to have increased a bit over the past few months, even though it is always been fairly common to some extent since earliest memory.

young son as vampire
dream dictionaries
clone of youngest son
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