over 55 years ago
predestined soulmate
yin and yang
childhood remote-viewing
precognitive dream
Yin Yang Eclipse

Morning of September 22, 1968. Sunday.

I am in Port Charlotte fairly late at night, staying longer than my family would have likely stayed in reality prior to going back to our home in Cubitis, about thirty miles away. ”The Naughty Lady of Shady Lane” by the Ames Brothers was playing in the background. ”And she’s only nine…days…old”. “Pease Porridge Hot”…a much older reference.

And across the ocean in Port Kembla, systematically matching the inversion of my birthplace, Yin, my wife-to-be, was nine days old. I, Yang, stood pondering. I had not yet noted how the rotated Australia “matched” America in ways that were not possible by chance and throughout the course of my life, no one else even seemed to notice, which of course was human nature - and I had no patience or time for human nature, though I performed my acts and rituals of pretense in public school well enough for a time.

This was a curious day in my life. For some reason, even though there was no reason to consider either the Yin Yang symbol or the implications, it “forced” itself upon me that earlier day (more than a year before) in the park on our way back to Florida. Once again I consider the girl in the park (prior to the tornado approaching) and the man’s inexplicable annoyed (or prejudicial?) attitude towards me. I do not know if they survived and I still do not know…They remain nameless and research would probably not yield much.

This was perhaps the prototype for later recurring (in theme) dreams of beautiful imagery in the sky which I had written about in other entries. The eclipse was not visible in reality from where I was but dreams typically alter any and all potential imagery from anywhere, especially when very young. Those recurring dreams mostly focused on horizons in Cubitis (mostly east but west as well) but did occur with other locations. Sometimes these were adventures where people went as far as making alien spacecrafts out of airplanes or flares in their imaginations. Thus, even some of those dreams held fully precognitive perceptions. True beauty was to be found in such as the Aurora Borealis, by that which covered the entire sky, making the concept of flying machines pale in comparison, like comparing a computer chip to a supernova.

When the eclipse begins, the curved comma-shaped pattern is (“impossibly”) seen upon the moon, because in-dream, it is a lunar eclipse and not a solar eclipse (as in reality) in this version of my dream. In reality, unlike the glowing Yin and Yang symbol “hanging” in the sky for a time (with even fire on the moon? - because, you see, even the sun is not really on fire), it was unfolding over the Earth itself…unseen…in shadow (“old ash”) and light (“tell”).

Regardless of my heritage I apparently never had a need of “Radiance from Halcyon”, my relative Francis (that was supposedly responsible for many New Age ideas and I will refrain from commenting on how I feel about that) - but did it all on my own, always.

My “twin” was over nine thousand miles away and yet we still made contact and remote-viewed each other’s existence very precisely for many years (with no need of technology or “help” of any kind) - almost like we were playing a game at times (such as when my wife-to-be remote-viewed and copied a female classmate’s drawing exactly - long before we made direct contact or met - yet some events were brought about by society, elements of history, and pop culture itself and many people would randomly confirm something for me without having a clue that they did). I first made contact with her in March of 1991. Had she not been the most beautiful female I had ever seen (exponentially, in fact) as well as having an augmented spiritual intelligence, as well as precognitive matching of all the nuances of the “mystery girl” exactly (including the unlikely aspects), I would not have pursued this course, perhaps, not because of ego, but because it could be no other way. It is interesting how some patterns can be so precise for so long, since the beginning (or the inferred beginning at least) and the “cop outs” and “selective amnesia” of other people (which, in the end, had no merit anyway) never ceased to amaze me. The fact that I can still reflect viably upon this in 2015 is all I need for unshakable peace of mind…a certain “knowing” that can never be touched or moved…until I pass on to wherever it is I am to go from here.

predestined soulmate
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yin and yang
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precognitive dream
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childhood remote-viewing
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