9 years ago
being smelled by an animal
concern about an animal
kit fox
Small Angry Fox

Morning of January 29, 2015. Thursday.

I and my family are living back on Barolin Street (our last address) yet I do not become aware I am dreaming. The house is well-rendered, though seemingly with a longer hallway than in reality.

Somehow, a mostly colorless kit fox gets into the house (there are certainly none around this area in reality). It is only about the size of a cat (and actually seems somewhat catlike at one point). I had seemingly fed it inside the house at an earlier date.

Later on, when I pick it up in the main bedroom, it becomes very aggressive. It bites me on my right hand, leaving a mark in the same area where the talon grows from in another dream of the same morning. It also does not like how I smell, though insists on getting closer to smell more of me. This will not do and I move my hands over my lap in defense. I soon get up and open all the doors, including the side door to the outside and it eventually leaves the house, heading down the driveway into the backyard.

However, I become aware of two surfacing ideas to be concerned about. I get the impression that the fox may kill one of our pets (such as a cat or guinea pig - with the impression that one may have already been attacked or even eaten) and realize it had been so aggressive because it had not eaten for a long time (perhaps a few days). However, I am also wary of the neighbor's large dog directly next door and how there may be a fight (though one does not occur) if it should choose to approach the fox. I can see the dog through the open doorway and it looks somewhat like a bloodhound, facing my direction. The male neighbors are also talking with each other, about four of them, sitting on chairs near their open side entrance and playing music (though which is not that loud, but there is still a very irritating cacophony of talking and annoying music).

As I walk back to the front of the house however, the noise soon completely vanishes, the perception changing somewhat unrealistically; more like turning the volume down on a radio, with moderate speed. This part of the dream "resets". I am annoyed by the noise as heard in our living room, but again, it completely vanishes walking a short distance down the front hallway. At another "reset" point when I am walking, I get the strange perspective of walking down the hallway at Barolin Street and quickly materializing in my bed at our present address on W Street as if somehow walking for a short time through a distorted portal between real locations rather than coming out of a dream; an atypical waking perspective.

There was very subtle precognition here; one (of three) of our guinea pigs died during the morning (though of apparently natural causes, not by being attacked by another animal).

kit fox
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being smelled by an animal
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concern about an animal
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