over 9 years ago
Lions and Monkeys

Morning of December 11, 2014. Thursday.

I do not typically dream about wild animals anymore in this particular way, but this dream involved both spider monkeys as well as lions that could easily climb up the side of a smaller tree to go after a monkey.

I seem to be involved in making a documentary. However, it is odd in that the jungle scene apparently takes place locally, possibly at the park a block from where we live. At one point, there are two different species of spider monkey side by side, with other animals (including a couple lion cubs on the top plank, to the right of the monkeys on the lowest plank) in a larger shelf-like structure (facing southerly) which resembles a three-dimensional duck shoot setup with three levels - though it is for filming purposes only as the animals are to remain still. However, even though the monkeys look much the same, the one on the left starts attacking the one on the right. Both of them take off to climb trees again, with a large lioness in pursuit of one. My viewpoint sometimes seems to be from mid-tree-level but I myself never feel threatened by the lions, even though the perspective is very close to my in-dream implied "face"/eyes.

Monkeys usually represent undesirable traits in people, including being "ungrounded", though may additionally represent "childish" pursuits or having fun at the cost of lessening access to additional environments (for example, a monkey being "confined" to a tree instead of more freely exploring the areas over ground-level - somewhat like a child being told to stay in his room after "monkeying around" too much). Lions are seen typically as intelligent and "masters" of their fate to a certain extent (though may represent brute force and sometimes higher authority). In this case, though, it seems that the lions are even more of a "master" due to their unusual ability to climb the side of a tree with little effort, even over smaller thinner branches (without breaking them or falling). The monkeys still get away, however, by jumping to another tree - yet they have to keep doing this, as the lions never give up. I see both male and female lions climbing the tree in this manner.

In a seemingly unrelated section of my dream, my wife and I are looking at the outside of an abandoned commercial building; some sort of warehouse perhaps. There is a vague memory of having been in the building at an earlier time and reaching an area where one could see outside through a wall through a smaller hole (caused from long-term damage or wear - which causes me to pause and regard a possible play on warehouse and "wear house"/aging) and yet not be able to leave from that general area.

As we look at the building from what may be a parking lot (or perhaps just a larger section of sidewalk), I begin to focus on the wall to deliberately make more holes and open more spaces to see into the building (which mostly seems empty but with concrete debris from possibly broken columns and inner walls scattered about) and I watch closely as it happens - I use some sort of telekinetic force, it seems. Oddly though, I do not perceive this ability as being dreamlike and continue to open the wall until the dream loses cohesion. This act possibly represents my conscious mind breaking through the dream state. As I have said before, I believe that many dream events are metaphors for the dreaming process itself (including the waking process), something I began to realize many years ago, especially more obvious examples like going up in an elevator (rising in consciousness to wake).

theta b3.0
random dream...
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