over 55 years ago
cypress trees
swadowy eerie imagery
swamp with giant trees
giant bird in flight
The Roc

Morning of November 15, 1968. Friday.

This was a very eerie and very vivid scene which repeated a few times on different days as well as at least once on the same day. I actually really liked the memory of this dream. It seemed to occur in much deeper sleep than usual (even though it was mostly a late-morning-dream type), although that was probably just my own idea.

The location seems to be a very dense cypress swamp in Florida. The cypress trees are supposedly gigantic and as big as skyscrapers. I am either in my “orb” form or watching the scene from a distance. From right to left, about midway between the horizon and the zenith flies a huge bird. I can only see its shadowy form flying seemingly very slowly but still flapping its wings the entire time. I am aware that it is a "roc". In my earliest dream journal entry I had called it an elephant bird - by which I later learned that the elephant bird is a real bird, but flightless. This actually aggravated me a bit when I was young (as my “dream bird” did fly). However, from what I have read, the elephant bird or similar may have inspired the roc legend: "The legend of the roc could also have originated from sightings of such a giant subfossil eagle related to the African Crowned Eagle, which has been described in the genus Stephanoaetus from Madagascar, being large enough to carry off large primates." - Goodman, S. M. (1994).

There is no threat and there is also an odd nostalgia-like emotion which you are supposedly only supposed to feel when older. (Then again, what actually has been supposedly true about me, or rather, average people, based on what I have read in mainstream sources…hardly anything, really.)

It is possible that the basic imagery was vaguely inspired by a deck of educational cards I had which, when in the correct order as sold, and flipped, it showed the moving silhouettes of running animals with an eagle or such moving across the top. There was another deck where a rabbit is seen to jump into a top hat, the hat moving a bit, and a dove flying out.

swamp with giant trees
dream dictionaries
giant bird in flight
dream dictionaries
swadowy eerie imagery
dream dictionaries
cypress trees
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