over 9 years ago
persian rug as raft over lava
buttefly room influence
volcano as female maturing
television influence
remote-controlled helicopter
Volcanic Events

Morning of November 14, 2014. Friday.

I have not had a more direct volcano dream like this in quite some time. It is partly due to having reviewed a childhood volcano dream with new research and notes. It was very long; so long, in fact, it seemed of the type with several partial awakenings (no false awakenings) in between similar or repeating scenes. The location is an ambiguous composite; the front of our house and surrounding area seemed to be mostly the front yard and outside perspective of King Street in La Crosse (with the perpendicular Tenth Street also implied), the inside of the house mostly like Stadcor Street in Brisbane (except closer to ground level and with the porch of our present home), and the back area of the house being of my family home in Cubitis.

Assuming the outside orientation as King Street (as the house composite is too diverse to correctly assign directions), the volcanic threat is several blocks to the east. It is not one volcano, though, but some sort of wide fissure that is volcano-like and nearly world-wide. Over time, more and more lava is nearing our home. I am frustrated over this potential, because many of our possessions will be lost as we need to leave within about an hour or so without having any method of transportation. I “remember” that there are at least four stacks of larger dream journals under one bed near an eastern wall and do not like the prospect of losing them. I rarely dream about dream journals (other than in typical false awakenings where I attempt to write out the previous dream), and this is mostly a later sparse trend.

At one point, my dream goes off on a somewhat comedic tangent. For some reason, because of the “end of the world” scenario, all television shows have to become part of a rushed composite (something to do with only one television studio being left, it seems). Columbo appears at one point as he looked in the early 1980s. Magnum PI had been there as well (and is working with Columbo) but was off to see a different group of people and McCloud had also made an appearance. I make some sort of remark about Hawaii being the only place that will still exist after the volcanic activity eventually ceases, which seems to be where we need to go.

When the lava nears, there is some sort of shallow crevice just east of our house, whereby most of the lava is then flowing into it just in line with that outer wall of the house. This is good, but I still wonder if the back area of the house (which is of Cubitis) has the crevice extended that far (in this case the directional orientation also matches the King Street setting of the composite in the back area being to the south). I get an idea that the lava may actually come through the small high window of the Cubitis bathroom. I am even aware of lava coming through the other areas just prior to stopping, which do result in damaging my journals and other possessions on that side of the house.

Lava is still flowing westward, but more over the streets. Still, it looks as if my family and I need to get on a multicolored Persian rug (about the size of a “magic carpet”) to either use the rug as a raft (not realistically feasible at all of course) or somehow be airlifted. Some sort of small remote-controlled helicopter-like device lands on the rug (I believe, thanks to Columbo). By that point, I am trying to reason out how it is unlikely to use a rug as a raft. Also, the idea of being lifted by a miniature helicopter whereby the rug stays solid or flat somehow does not seem possible. Still, the rug seems raft-like for the most part as we float on the “lava” which is now mostly like harmless red water for the most part. There is a point, however, where my youngest son is on the raft on his own and it “capsizes” but he is okay, as it flips over the second time.

Eventually, everything is suddenly frozen over and I feel the typical physical and emotional bliss when ice and wintry features occur in a dream. Instead of the watery waist-high “lava”, there is now an icy stream with small ice floes moving westward over King Street. My family and I walk westerly on the seemingly undamaged sidewalk. A very “familiar” (but unknown in reality) male is walking towards us and was apparently on his way to check on us (which he openly comments on). He seems to be some sort of legal adviser or business persona but similar to a landlord we had in Brisbane (Stadcor Street). He is very happy to see we are okay. Through some sort of smaller bay window, an unknown woman looks out with somewhat of a strange near-horrified expression as we pass and the friendly male tells her that she is safe. (This female’s expression near my dream’s end, along with the “red water” and the potential of a rug to roll up around a person, was likely borrowed from “The Butterfly Room”, seen the night before.)

I had just written more about the childhood (Paricutin) volcano dream and one possible connection being growth and change and that is the same theme “The Butterfly Room” explores, also linking with the obvious metaphor relative to a female maturing. The childhood volcano dreams are not likely of the same association as the later ones, as I was ignorant of how females matured in that regard. However, this entire scenario could be seen as either incidental or the usual synchronicity regarding my dream work and unexpected upcoming movies I see. It also caused me to reflect on how the movie had no presence of authority of any kind, with my dream being of the opposite comedic nature.

As mentioned in other entries, there are four meanings for volcanoes in my dreams, depending on the nature of the dream; the human heart (the lava being the blood); female maturity (the lava also relating to blood); sexual tension or intensification; and development of something new and unexpected (not necessarily negative).

volcano as female maturing
dream dictionaries
buttefly room influence
dream dictionaries
television influence
dream dictionaries
persian rug as raft over lava
dream dictionaries
remote-controlled helicopter
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