over 54 years ago
hall of cats
childhood lucid dream
many cats in the same location
impersonal narration in dream
hall of fog

Morning of January 4, 1969. Saturday.

This begins as a lucid dream in a similar awareness and manner as “The Staged Bull” of a couple years later, but it does not come to have the same augmented vividness and heightened senses. My dream began at around four in the morning and was strongly influenced (though not accurately; more like some sort of fill-in-the-blanks focus and faux memory) from having seen some of the movie “Cat People” (from 1942) though I was too tired to see more than a few scenes (it being the second feature on “Shock Theatre” and starting from around one-thirty in the morning).

I walk out of my carport in Cubitis and go somewhat northwest. It seems to be just before dawn at one point, yet the mood and time seem ambiguous for the most part. Though lucid, I feel somewhat vulnerable when I find myself walking through a “hall of fog”; that is, a hallway in which the walls are made of fog that are somewhat tunnel-like (slightly curved). This eerie “hallway of mist” starts from between the middle area of the driveway and the neighbor’s orange grove, and runs from east to west (and though fictional, seems somehow familiar). I do not perceive the length of this hall of cats or any possible doorway (or way out) on the opposite side, which makes me tentative in continuing.

From here, I see various house cats (which never actually do anything threatening) in various positions, some on platforms, some on the ground. There is an unusual gray monotone to the scene (fairly rare in dreams). One jumps down from a platform and walks towards me as an unknown man’s voice (he is unseen, the voice seeming to come from above and to my left and as if from a loudspeaker) says somewhat matter-of-factly, “Cats…” almost as if he is softly yet seriously informing someone (not necessarily my dream-self as it feels like impersonal narration) on the score of a baseball game. I soon feel rather wary and passive to what I am seeing and my dream does not become fully lucid in an assertive sense and I almost feel as if I am somehow “inside” a movie.

This is the only time when cats seemed to block my lucid dream’s full control (or potential) rather than dogs, that I know of. Typically, both prior to and after this dream, cats and cat shadows increase lucidity as well as often imply a sense of security, other than a few diverse ones here and there, such as “Silas Meower (Grandpa Cat)”.

hall of fog
dream dictionaries
many cats in the same location
dream dictionaries
childhood lucid dream
dream dictionaries
hall of cats
dream dictionaries
impersonal narration in dream
dream dictionaries
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