almost 10 years ago
practice effect influence
science-fiction dream
golden bicycle
The Practice Effect Mist and the Golden Bicycle

Morning of May 28, 2014. Wednesday.

I was somewhat surprised by this dream as it borrows slightly from both the science-fiction novel "The Practice Effect" by David Brin and uses a typical dream ability of cleaning and "improving" things at the same time. I have the first edition copy of the book that I read when first published. It is an old favorite, though apparently not that popular by consensus.

There is a long first section to my dream where my wife and I are living at my sister Marilyn's older house (she died this year in February). It seems strange that we now "own" the house, especially as this was a rented house in real life, and my sister had lived in a different house for some time after this. I am aware of my sister at one point but when I look up she moves swiftly "in reverse" back to the kitchen. I notice a pile of clothes in one bedroom that belong to my brother-in-law (still alive) and my sister. I still have a hard time realizing that she has passed on.

Later, I am at the front of the house. I have an old bicycle that I will be riding east down Gillette Street for some reason. At this point, I feel very good. I am somewhat concerned about the traffic, though. There are not that many cars after a time. I start out and am able to ride the bicycle without incident. After going east down Gillette Street for about two blocks, there is a (fictional) bicycle shop to my right. I still feel very good, but I think the bicycle needs to be fixed up a bit. I go into the store and have the bicycle set up near the center of the large room so that I can work on it a bit myself. The owner is behind the counter and does not even seem to notice or come over to me.

I discover that I have a special bottle that resembles a smaller cylindrical spray-cologne bottle with a lighter blue tint. The "liquid" inside it that comes out in a mist is virtually infinite. This has something to do with "the practice effect" in that the more you use, the more will be available and the more effective. In this case, it is a mist filled with nanobots that automatically clean, repair, and build even as they continue to improve themselves with a more and more efficient design. I spray the mist on rusty spots on the bicycle and over time, more and more of the rust is gone to be replaced by the original chrome surfaces. I spray it on the seat and the black seat takes on an attractive copper sheen of a slightly different shape.

Around this time, the owner comes over with a different customer and I say something to myself about how the seat will now be better (more comfortable) when riding. At this point, a bicycle seat falls from a high shelf onto the floor. I point and say, "What a coincidence - I had just mentioned the bicycle seat and one fell from the shelf". The other two males appear somewhat baffled about the event.

I continue to spray the mist over the bicycle and it becomes more and more newer-looking. At one point, I decide to add a headlight. I spray over the front and the "invisible" (microscopic) nanobots build a very nice-looking chrome headlight. There is a larger rectangular area on the bottom for a brighter light and two smaller eye-like squares near the top for signal lights. I also create better brakes and go back over the surface. Eventually, the bicycle, though with chrome aspects, also has copper and gold sections. I study the difference between the copper and gold properties and the precise tint and am happy about the imagery. I notice several other features of the shop turning copper and gold over time, including parts of the shelves, counter top, and so on.

A little later, the owner seems slightly confused with a section of his own shop, which seems to have expanded partially into a clothing store with craft store aspects more to the east. A few sections of elongated clover-shaped copper and gold felt pieces have ended up on the floor. A few other customers are walking around. It is not quite clear what he is looking at. At one point, it looks like two pieces of golden-colored felt sewn partly together with a bit of stuffing coming out. It almost seems like the propeller of a large stuffed toy airplane.

golden bicycle
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