10 years ago
baby pram can launch missiles
nuclear missles
concern about ceiling
baby pram
Why not launch the nuclear missiles?

Morning of January 29, 2014. Wednesday.

This dream is rather like somewhat of a gag, I suppose, and not that eventful and with no dominating emotions of any kind. I believe we are living in one of our old apartments (on Duffy Street in Bundaberg) but it is much bigger. There is one part where it seems there are several doors on the way to the carport area. Someone had left some doors open and I am somewhat annoyed. The neighbor’s truck seems to be in our carport. It is supposedly cool in the dream, and I am somewhat concerned with wintry winds entering the house even though it is very hot here in real life.

Later, I have a portable nuclear missile launcher near the kitchen area. I have no idea how this came about. Apparently I had placed it in a baby stroller and carted it home - perhaps I thought it was an old air conditioner (or heater?) a business had set out in the alley for cleanup removal. It looks quite a bit like a large square commercial humidifier yet is somehow armed with at least two missiles, it seems (perhaps even four). Do not ask me how even one large nuclear missile could fit inside a humidifier, because I have absolutely no idea (it is all about dream logic, I suppose). I find myself with ideas on launching an attack on the other side of the world from the convenience of my home, perhaps three or four different main locations, if possible, to eliminate the most people.

I am not even quite sure why this decision has been reached, but it is partly because of bringing down the population, I think, for the benefit of all, but especially for the benefit of my descendents and certain “unspoiled” regions. It is not very logical, as such weapons destroy natural resources as well.

I set up the launch with some sort of small control pad that is separate and attached to the larger machine with a few wires. I watch something on a television screen, but am not sure if it is directly related to the missile launcher, but it is supposedly a targeted area, seemingly a Comic-Con event with a William-Shatner-based theme. (Too many William-Shatner-worshipping posts from females in my news feed in real life over the past few days, most likely.)

Eventually I realize that it would probably not be a good idea to launch the missiles and kill millions of people.

However, this is only because I do not want holes in the ceiling and roof of the house (as my perspective grows in lucidity though I am not fully lucid), which might be pricey to repair as well as possibly cause water damage in the house if it rains, so I begin to shut down the launch sequence after making a mental note of it. At this point, it is very vivid (but not in full acknowledgment I am in a dream - otherwise I would likely have launched them just to see what would happen) and I puzzle somewhat over the idea of how missiles would otherwise go up and through the ceiling without incident.

nuclear missles
dream dictionaries
baby pram
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concern about ceiling
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baby pram can launch missiles
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