10 years ago
walking on clothesline
unknown drunks in the street
precognitive dream
large click beetles
"The Pinocchio Club" (updated as precognitive)

Morning of January 23, 2014. Thursday.

This dream starts out in the small front room (left-side of front door) of my sister’s house on Loomis Street (on a side note, my vivid dream about her health I posted previously - though with no real-life knowledge of such, turned out to have a few layers of precise precognition - unfortunately). I am not fully lucid. I am however, aware that I can manifest things somehow even though I am not aware it is only the “dream world”.

Instead of an additional notes on the layered precognitive dream about Texas, I will include it here. In real life, my sister was just diagnosed with lung cancer and liver cancer - I had known nothing about this until I was contacted just over a week ago. My dream “Texas winter wonderland and ‘dying’ relative” was dated December 29, 2013. This dream had several precise layers of precognition, a couple immediate, the sister issue less than a month. The “wife’s younger step father” actually turned out to be my wife’s younger half-brother (who bears a striking resemblance to a younger version of his father). This represented how he was in a state of “recovery” from his abusive criminally insane mother and I saw him in real life for the first time in years later that same day. In fact, without even thinking about it (since various types of precognition is so normal for me), I had posted an additional entry on one site where I mentioned meeting him after the previous dream (without making the obvious connection). I still have not met my wife’s step father, and her half-brother in real life looked exactly like the younger male in my dream in manner and expression.

My sister, however, was beginning to experience the pain of cancer (she did not know she had it) on that date (and for some reason, did not get it checked out in time - she is in the hospital now). Again, there was the unusual Texas winter in real life that I did not know about. The unknown woman in that dream (who I thought my sister had changed into) was actually someone I did not know who had been helping her. Almost everything in my dream was of composite precognition - which is often the case on a day to day basis, but usually too personally irrelevant or trivial to write about much.

In the first part of this entry’s dream, I want to take a photograph of my “dream” even though I am not lucid. In other words, I am dreaming that I am having a dream while “awake” in my dream. This seems a bit strange, but this is how it is. My sister is there, but appearing to be a bit better after her husband goes and gets her with regards to the camera. (In real life, after I was told of her condition, she did drastically improve according to a message from a friend of hers - so an earlier dream where she was in the hospital but doing a lot better also turned out to be somewhat precognitive - in that dream, my wife and I were there and our youngest daughter was sitting on the bed with her - however, in all honesty, the cancer is pretty bad). At any rate, I deliberately (mentally) create large click beetles that form on the wall. The click beetle represents a person (or “normal” mainstream people in general) “bugging” me with their ideas, since click beetles bite the lip of a sleeping person. However, these click beetles may not be able to be photographed, as they are mental creations of a dream within my dream. There is also an obvious play on the click of the camera as I hear the “click” when I take the pictures. To my surprise, the click beetles show up in the photographs.

A few other people come into my dream and I am in a different (larger) room. An unknown older male tries to do the same thing I had done, but the beetle becomes “too big” and then flies around the room and chases him as he screams.

Later, I am somehow immediately in the backyard of our present home. It seems really late at night. A group of men, about seven or more, are walking in a drunken manner down the street from the north on the opposite side from our house. (This of course, happens fairly often in real life). My youngest son is awake and also in the backyard. The men walk along singing some sort of song as drunks often do in the middle of the night. As they are approaching, I float into the air and somehow “walk” on the thin metal clothesline to get a better look at them (to see past the higher fence-line). I become aware that their walking is somewhat marionette-like, reminding me a little of Pinocchio.

They get closer and closer. I sense they are college students, or more specifically, college (American) football students(?) - not sure from where. As they get closer, crossing the street to our side, I then walk along the fence like a cat would do (of course, which would be physically impossible for a person). They say hello to me and wave and are a bit rowdy and annoying. One starts talking about various things, including feuds with people that are trying to sleep and acting as if the streets are theirs to do whatever they want on - including yelling gibberish and random unrelated names at people they cannot even see. His nose starts to get a bit bigger when he speaks. (This “nose growing” might seem like a phallic symbol to some, but that does not make any sense in light of the events and associations). The others do not seem to notice. In fact, every time one of them speaks, their nose grows a bit. This means that they are not capable of speaking without distorting the truth. One comes closer to the fence, and, while I am hovering slightly above him in midair, I punch him in the face. He starts complaining about me confronting his useless foolishness and begins creating an immediate “revisionist history” of my life’s path. His nose then grows so large, it is at least two feet long and covering his entire face so not even his eyes are visible, the weight actually preventing him from getting up until his friends help him up and then have to guide him, as his nose is so big, he can no longer see where he is going.

They continue southward, but turn down the alleyway near the apartments, and I see lights come on in the apartments from people annoyed by their antics.

Drunkenness in dreams is seemingly my (subconscious mind’s) way of internally showing how such people are in a sort of “limbo” (an intermediate place or state relating to a mismatch of the liminal “gates” and not correctly “phasing” to either one or the other - that is physical reality or deeper, meaningful dreaming) and can neither discern waking reality or dream representations of anything, so are useful at neither.

There was a precognitive layer in this dream as well. Just now (in real life), a young drunk pulled a board off our fence. He mostly was in the middle of the road using it to hit cars. Three others were walking down the street and he threatened them. He was fighting a bit with all three and then he fell backwards. Eventually, two police officers arrived but they just let him yell, dance around, and swing the board at them without doing anything. (They were very cautious in going near him.) I cannot say I have seen police behave that way before. At any rate, a police van came and I guess he went in on his own. Nothing like this has happened before in real life at this address.

precognitive dream
dream dictionaries
unknown drunks in the street
dream dictionaries
large click beetles
dream dictionaries
walking on clothesline
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