over 33 years ago
unarmed girl
signs from the cosmos
Strange signs from the cosmos

Morning of August 20, 1990. Monday.

This was one of those hundreds of what could be called “anniversary” precognition dreams, in that exactly a year or more later (relating to month and day), it unfolds, yet also has elements of “pop culture” foreshadowing as is most often the case with more layers (or layers upon previous layers that have already been fully established, so to speak).

In this case, there were some unusual facets that were not literally exact (which I suppose indicates some level of unusual spiritual symbolism).

The dream was semi-lucid at times and fairly long and convoluted. One major aspect had a small asteroid approaching Earth, but not in a dangerous sense. Once it eventually hit with little drama and fear on the part of the public (their attention being more on the Iraqi and Western hostages situation of the time even in the dream) in Janesville, Wisconsin (I had been there recently as well as Waukon, Iowa just to end up playing a very bad game of pool with a visiting friend from Chicago, Rick S), there was something within the mostly hollow shell since I was the one to find it and able to study it before anyone else had come to the area. On one side was a large engraving of Sagittarius (my “sign” although I despise astrology even more than dream dictionaries), and on the other side was a somewhat brassy-looking engraving of an otherwise white bison. I am somewhat amazed at first, but then I think someone must have carved and painted these images prior to my finding the large rock.

This was one of the first more lucid associations (and “key” plays) with Madison (Wisconsin) and Maidstone (Australia). For a time, it seems the rock is a “maidstone” for some reason, and has “magical” properties. I then think perhaps the images were set in the stone long ago by perhaps a race on a distant planet. Because it is a dream, though, there are a lot of unusual composites of ideas, past and present. One of the “goofier” associations was the next consonant/next vowel code with the name “Alice” which turns out to be “in UFO” (in row two – the most important row in some cases, as with JESUS to LOVEV, but not always) which is vaguely amusing. ALICE, EMODI, INUFO…

A beautiful girl (that turns out to look exactly like my as-not-yet-met wife, similar to hundreds of other dreams about her throughout my life) is a character at one point. However, she is linked to being one of the hostages in the Iraqi situation at the time (being moved, in the dream, to what appears to be a large barn). Oddly, in this dream I do not directly associate her with “my” twin flame even though she is. She has the “vibrating silver eyes” at one point, normally indicating a much higher entity in dream states. She also seems to be without arms in most scenarios, which seems very unusual, as this was the only dream recalled of this particular appearance. It could be some sort of play on “armless” as in without weapons (her mother was creating severe problems for her in real life at the time).

During a goddess-like visage, she states “I am…” seemingly in the “I am that I am” form. However, I understand it to also be “I” and “M”, meaning 9 and 13, or September 13th (my wife’s actual birthday). So everything works in unusual layers, which was often how I learned about the associations that made up the entire “universal whole” from thousands of little pieces many times over, like an entire “strata” of such. “How the web was woven”.

Many transitions go through this dream, as it seems to be a mix of several different types of dreams linked together (except for some of the more mundane composites).

Somehow, when the meteor came, so did an essence of other things, including White Buffalo Calf Woman (unusual in that Shawnee is in my background, not any Sioux). This being seems to consult with me, but I do not remember the outcome. I do know that I was to be with the armless girl, but again, it seemed slightly disconnected with all the other “knowledge” I had gathered. (This was not the last dream I had before my wife first wrote to me, though).

In real life, my wife, since a very young age, had written hundreds of poems in a large number of hardcover notebooks, and still has a larger collection of most of them. I thought that this aspect of her life might have been symbolic (to what I originally understood about my twin flame), but even that turned out to be literal. However, she did not turn out to be literally armless, so I never got the exact connections in some layers of this particular long semi-lucid sequence. I took it to also be a symbol for passiveness or maybe even a play on “harmless” – harmless/armless, without violence, passiveness.

This part seemed partially explained in another dream, where she came into the Janesville (Wisconsin) barn and said that her name was “Aphrodite of Milos” (the famous “armless” statue). Another “form” of my wife was Scheherazade (she does have some Persian ancestry on her mother’s side, so I guess it is not all that unusual).

A bison outline seems to manifest in the sky, rather slowly, somewhat like a constellation, to the left of the Sagittarius outline (which is too precisely detailed for a real constellation). Eventually, a real bison appears - all white but with a slight bluish glow (this was even before I knew much at all about what it meant). Four years later, a white buffalo was born in Janesville, Wisconsin, same location, same date (August 20th). Wikipedia, as usual, is wrong on this as it states 1992 (I was living in Wisconsin in 1992). I was already married and living in Australia by August 1994.

This dream helped me consider the “pieces” a little better. The “forms” of my wife were clearly established hundreds of times over from earliest memory by some sort of “pop culture foreshadowing” and personal precognition (mentioned in another entry but not on all of my online journals), the main ones being connected to:

Red or blue star? (Prenatal – I say red “or” blue, because even though I saw both a red star and a blue star changing from one to another and back – related to willful creation of some sort, before I was born, I only ever saw the “blue pearl” event since.)

Large green eyes only.

(Animal form) Duchess of the “Aristocats” changing over from Mewsette (who I actually associated more with the “other”) of “Gay Purr-ee”, even though they are the “same cat” visually. This was a pretty strange pop culture-related precognitive personal experience I have already written of at least once online.

Eva Gabor (mostly in voice only). Curiously, I mixed her up with Zsa Zsa, although the first six letters of my wife’s name are Zsuzsa.

An unknown Hungarian Roma (“real gypsy”) girl whose father painted caravan wheels.

Brenda W (female classmate and apparent “stand-in”).

Wendy the Good Little Witch (but with dark brunette to black hair and a blue outfit).

Alice Pleasance Liddell (the real Alice in Wonderland, and also the personal human form of Wendy – who was always very protective of me starting with the “rain shield” dreams – though I liked being in the rain).

Barbara Steele (a rather weird transition seeming to be an adult version of Alice in some cases).

“Jennie Haniver” (including in mermaid form), as well as Connie Sellecca as “Jennie Haniver”. I already mentioned my wife’s step father was actually called Davy Jones. Also, I was going to mention again how the Connie Sellecca death hoax started on my wife’s birthday by someone on Facebook I thought was trolling me (as this has happened a lot in the past by the “B” anonymous “chan” group and seemed to be the case this time). Now, however, it is different, as the date on the supposed news site keeps changing so the link is no longer relevant to September 13th. It is mostly unrelated to this dream entry anyway, but the date has changed at least a few times (see image if available). I do not know what to make of this - it is maybe the work of a bot, or maybe the hoax information is “reset” everyday now. The first image is the original (September 13th), the second what is presently in the Google cache, and the third, what is presently online on the actual page (which appears to have been hacked, as the lines are of the wrong/uneven form). By the time you read this, that site will probably be a different date or appear differently…whatever. Talk about revisionist history – it reminds me of “1984”.

Aphrodite of Milos.



There are a few others mentioned in other entries.

signs from the cosmos
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