over 10 years ago
tony carey
planet p
Oh Ruby... ("Eating my heart out"), the Three Women

This was going to be posted before, but I held back because on a particular journal site, someone else had already posted a similar phrase from the title only a few seconds prior (this sort of synchronicity has happened far more than people would be capable of imagining - and yes CAPABLE of imagining.)

The original version of the entry was mostly for fun relating to dream-work when the Planet P album inspired me dramatically years ago when I lived on King Street. One of the songs on the album was "Ruby". I enjoyed it more and more (sometimes listening to it for sixteen hours or so - yet it never once caused me to dream about either eating a heart or tearing my hair out), one reason being that certain "normal" people were highly annoyed by it, which convinced me it was something important. Basically it's just about a man trying to engage in love-making with a female - possibly an alien as per the connecting themes - I haven't done a lot of research and prefer to keep the memories of my youthful associations with "the Native American (Tony Carey of Planet P) astronaut and the alien girl" as mentioned in other songs on the album. The science-fiction themes and subtle Tangerine-Dream-like nuances made this, to this day, my favorite album from my younger days. Ruby was like a raw tulpa with a nearly visible grid or visible nervous system on the outside of her body. The dreams taught me quite a bit now that I look back. Lately, the name Ruby (relating to E_K_'s companion) is now Pearl (I'll mention why that is in a new entry soon).

The playful elements of my entry were mostly in regard to all the incredibly wrong and funny "lyrics" to the song all over the Internet. As of yet, I have not found a single site with the correct lyrics (even, oddly enough, the so-called "official" site). I am not sure why. People are extremely strange when it comes to repeating something they've heard a lot, even getting it wrong a few seconds after hearing it several times (something that has always fascinated me). Time and time again, I see phrases on YouTube that imply a song lyric or what someone said and it is incorrect more often than not (even though they had just seen the video). The wonder and mind-numbing stupidity of this actually sometimes gave me peace when I was younger rather than bothering me.

One of the main messages of the song is that the lover is (quote) "eating my heart out". This is often incorrectly printed as "beating my heart out". I assume this is because of people not being familiar with the idiom and "hearing" something else (even though there is no "b" sound whatsoever). The hilarity of the dream-like "wrongness" of many public "versions" of the phrases was always fun. I actually hurt my side one night from laughing too much and my wife and I developed a "running gag" (which we do often with extraordinarily odd ideas we see on the Internet) over particularly bizarre transitions. One wrong line (even with an additional correct version in the same listing) is "In my heart I try to get along with you", which is not nearly as funny as others, yet not nearly as "violent" as "eating my heart out", the correct line.

Oddly, the official site (when last checked) has the line "Ruby's the one they'd like to get for themselves", which isn't even close. The real lines of course, are below... "Tickle and shove" for those that don't know or didn't grow up where I did, is a regional euphemism for a sex act (what else?).

I can always count on the Netherlands to have the most absurd wrong lyrics for English songs. Instead of the correct lines, we get this fascinating pattern "All of the boys says Ruby's avoiding love, Ruby's avoiding love to get in shower..." This sent my wife and I into fits of laughter for the rest of that night and we even acted out a playful little skit (with her taking an actual shower and so on).

Lyrics (as on the original album), quite possibly this being the only one on the Internet.

(Frothy, bubbly music intro)
Oh Ruby, why don't you be good to me?
I'm tearing my hair out trying to get close to you, to you.
Say Ruby, why don't you get close to me?
I'm eating my heart out trying to get along with you, with you.
And I, wanna get, next to you.
And I, wanna get, close to you.
All of the boys say Ruby's the one to love,
Ruby's the one they like to tickle and shove (vocal groan)
Ruby, why don't you get close to me?
I'm eating my heart out trying to get along with you, with you.
Say Ruby, why don't you be good to me?
I'm tearing my hair out trying to get close to you, to you.
And I, wanna be beside you girl,
Ruby, I wanna be beside you girl,
All of the boys say Ruby's the one to love,
Ruby's the one they like to tickle and shove.
(Electric guitar solo)
Ruby, I wanna be beside you girl.
Oh Ruby, I wanna get next to you.
All of the boys say Ruby's the one to love,
Ruby's the one they like to tickle and shove, uh-UH-uh-UH-uh Ruby
La la la LA la, na na na NA na...nah, eh-NAH...Ruby
La la la LA la, na na na NA na...nah...Ooo-ooo-oooh...Ruby...

More on the imagery...

In the image, the first is the album cover as it actually was printed, the second image is the negative (reversal) from the first (the first much like a tulpa template). The third is using a special filter I designed - a light and shadow separation based on a fixed set of "noise removal" and two gamma "tricks". This always makes an "abstract drawing" sometimes with amazing features (depending on the source photograph) by which different people will see entirely different things.

In this case, I pulled out and rotated a smaller section, keeping it in its raw form (otherwise people wouldn't even believe it - they'd really think it was human hand-drawn art, because I know how "limited" people are) to find what vaguely looks like the "three women" archetype of dreams - a fairly common occurrence of the "light and shadow world" - sometimes the "three witches" and other forms - which goes fairly far back in human history and dream records. I could go on and on with the exact filter stages with screen shots and even show the steps directly (so that someone else could duplicate this "trick"), but knowing how limited people are, that wouldn't even matter - they'd just invent some cockeyed reason to protect themselves from the truth as usual. After that, the final image is a comparison (by Edgar Degas) which seems to share some scene aspects, but you need imagination to make the connections in this raw form. This filter I use (sometimes with others) is sometimes quite eerie in producing dream-like "art" that has nothing to do with the source image at all (in appearance, that is) and often has "intelligent" patterns and forms (sometimes even far more than actual "real" human art, ha). This is similar to the actual photographic continuity fractal which can supposedly "show images from the future" depending on the seed images. Don't hurt yourself trying to work it out...

"Today The Three Women are everywhere. In archetypal characterizations, all celestial or other-worldly forms including aliens, primordial beings, Titans, superheroes, demi-gods and goddesses, are psychological entities -- archetypes -- in different forms. That includes angels, as in the three Charlie’s Angels."

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