over 10 years ago
hanging upside-down
fictional house composite
tall grass
Another visit to Neverhouse

Morning of October 19, 2013. Saturday.

I have found it interesting how some dreams, other than having more “obvious” composites of various houses (from past, present, and future) mixed together as one in various percentages, sometimes have a location that seems “real” and which repeats for as long as several years or more. There have been a few places like this, including a big city (always at night) somewhere in the northern regions of the USA which I knew to be full of rats but usually with no people, yet I only saw their shadows, greatly enlarged shadows on outer walls of buildings, not usually nightmarish, just creating a sense of gloom or eeriness.

In my recent dream, I visit a house that is the same or similar to a fictional house I am somewhat familiar with. In some cases, the house has strange features.

In my recent dream, there is a point at which I felt exhilarated to be hovering, floating, and flying around. I even decided to be like a bat and hang upside down from the clothesline. It was an amazing vivid feeling in orientation and I was fully lucid at the point, amazed by how my body felt being suspended upside-down. Over time (seemingly at least ten minutes or more), however, I start to think about that phrase people use about how it causes all the blood to rush to your head, so I change position (even though I know it is a dream - cannot be too careful I guess) and I fly upwards again. Meanwhile, the previous tenants are moving from that house which we have supposedly lived before in past dreams.

One aspect which is almost always the same seems contradictory to seeing and being in the house from other directions, an “impossible” area, perhaps. It consists of a very large, mostly empty room of concrete where a few long, narrow pipes (from “upstairs” or just from the house in general even somehow at ground level) are slightly out of alignment with the drain so that whatever goes through them mostly goes to the floor of this room. In this dream, the woman (who has a few children) says for us to not look at any of the pipes. Apparently the landlord had not fixed them as supposed even after many years. I am not sure how the plumbing is to be dealt with, as it seems a long-term previous experience, though in one version of the house, I think the large room is underground, but not in this dream. Logically, all you would need to do is put all the pipes back into alignment and tighten them. There was a real-life experience years ago where a landlord, when restumping a section of the apartment building, caused many of the pipes to bend or go out of alignment as well as causing the bathtub faucet to break, but it was not as strange as my dream’s scenes.

In this dream is also what I first sense as the familiar “collapsed back porch” which is usually just a high pile of boards. However, I ask if this was fixed and see that it has been. As in other dreams that feature this house or something very much like it, I am aware that, in addition to a few houses to our north, there are (in a more clearer false memory) two more homes to the south of us followed by mostly forests or other undeveloped land, an aspect which I think is mirrored on the other side of the street, the street coming to a dead-end to the south. Often in these dreams, the grass is very high, with certain plants having almost taken over the area (although in some cases the plants are more “desirable”, but just needing a lot of weeding). In this particular dream, the grass is extremely high (a bit over waist-high) and I very much enjoy walking around in it before it is to be cut. (At this point in real life, all the grass is mostly dead, brown, and powdery - have not had enough rain or water resourcing in a long time - ironic considering the two really bad flooding events we have survived as a town - so I guess my dream was reminding me of how green and nice grass can be). As with the very vivid sensations and awareness (and overall physical realism) of “hanging” upside-down by my toes, moving through the high grass everywhere in the lawn is also very vivid and realistic. It almost seems like a green wheat field at one point. I enjoy the sensations of movement and the grass brushing against me as I move about for awhile.

There are some vivid personal and romantic scenes after this (which repeat at least four times without triggering my dream’s ending or any degree of actual wakefulness - which, years ago, people used to tell me was not possible) which almost defy explanation in terms of realism (like the “being a bat” and the “tall grass dance” parts did to a point).

tall grass
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hanging upside-down
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fictional house composite
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