over 10 years ago
sketchy imagery on floor
wrong orientation in statue
another planet
making statues
Minor events on another planet

Morning of October 17, 2013. Thursday.

This was a new, rather sparse and non-eventful dream with little emotion. It seems to be on a distant planet which had recently changed governments, somewhat like part of a “hand-me-down” tradition. There is one scene in a large room where I watch others carving small statues that are all the same basic design. The design is much like the one in the image - of a male in a kowtow position on a small, thin base.

Each member of the group (mostly males of a few different age ranges) is working only on their own small statue (most of them are finished), each person in a sitting position on the floor, being part of a precise grouping of about five rows and columns in the larger room, which has no furniture. There does seem to be something resembling a business office setup on the opposite side of the room.

One person, instead of making the kowtow statue, has instead made what appears to be the Chacmool. Another person is scolding him saying that he has made it wrongly and needs to fix it (without starting over). The person is saying that the statue’s head must be down (and implying the eyes are mostly looking down) so that he “doesn’t see the bus coming” (?) - but the whole statue is “wrong-side up”, so it will probably be very difficult to “fix”.

Later on, it still is not right, and the man is lectured again. It looks as if he may never get it right and the final group project will have one major flaw - unique to the particular government? It is wrong to show one’s eyes directly in public, it is explained. The man does not seem all that upset or annoyed by having done the job incorrectly.

Later on, there is other art and sculpture being done. The floor has a thin surface in one part, or some sort of very thin slate “veneer”, almost paper-thin. One unknown female watches me closely, but I believe my mother is also there on the opposite side of the area. I only have a pencil but somehow manage to do a light rubbing of the entire area of the “floor” in a short time (which “reacts” somewhat like tracing paper to the movements of the pencil - which I hold at about thirty degrees as I do the rubbing), and as I am doing this, I say “I can automatically bring out an image in this way” (or saying something very similar).

When I am finished, it is an actual simple drawing or sketch of a woman facing the viewer, the face being the most defined. The person that had been watching is unsure what to believe even though she had been there the whole time (even asking me if I had done it with the pencil, etc.), as if she is, in a subtle way, questioning what had just happened regarding my “magical” ability. She seems a bit puzzled, unresolved, not in complete denial (but “ungrounded”), just unsure of the experience in seeing something unexplained unfold, somewhat of the same reaction I have seen hundreds of times in real life with other things, such as real-time and more detailed precognition validation. It is, in fact, seemingly one of the more outstanding traits of “normal” humans, bordering on the threshold of the more extreme short-term amnesia I have also seen quite often.

making statues
dream dictionaries
another planet
dream dictionaries
sketchy imagery on floor
dream dictionaries
wrong orientation in statue
dream dictionaries
theta b3.0
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