over 10 years ago
the ghost and the darkness
gay purr-ee
movie influence on life's path
"Games" of the Universe - "Gay Purr-ee" and lions

I have written on this much before but not with images and not in a more story-like and timeline-like fashion as I hope to do here, and with a little more detail. It's quite odd from my perspective (but then, you'd really have to be in my shoes to even begin to know what "odd" is, ha).

On 24 October 1962 (USA), "Gay Purr-ee" was released. "Mouser Jaune-Tom and housecat Mewsette (voiced by Judy Garland) are living in the French countryside, but Mewsette wants to experience the refinement and excitement of Paris living. However, upon arrival, she falls into the clutches of Meowrice. Jaune-Tom and his friend Robespierre set off to Paris to find her."

This animated movie influenced my dreams for quite some time. I saw the "other" (the "special" female classmate I have written of before) as Mewsette (and of course myself as Jaune-Tom). She, being lost (and not with me on her path), cried at the Tree of Knowledge in my hometown (what it was actually called, in case you're wondering). So thus the Universe talks to me regarding my "imaginary" mystery girl, the Hungarian Romani tulpa. Note the opening of "Gay Purr-ee": "The opening credits include colorful drawings of the movie's main stars which then change into their cartoon characters." I was technically still "with" the "other", I suppose.

Then along comes the "Green Acres" series on September 15, 1965. Over time, I "knew" that Eva Gabor was "the" candidate for my mystery girl, but in VOICE ONLY. I didn't know much about Hungary or ethnic groups at that time (other than my beautiful dark-haired and green-eyed Romani tulpa, "my dahlink").

Then the Universe (often being frustrated with my behavior) asks me if I really "want" my "imaginary" girl in my future - well, why not? What young male (even a young child) wouldn't want the most beautiful girl possible at his side? The "other" (who was blonde, not dark-haired) was considered by most to be very attractive, but I broke her heart later, so to speak, at DMS. Weird times.

"Most cats are the same," says the Universe (meaning most humans, I'm sure), and since you can't rewrite your lifetime in this way from this point...your future wife's house in Heaven will be "incomplete" with missing walls...yada yada...Is the Universe implying (by "most cats are the same" which is similar to the sarcastic male saying with sexual overtones - "all cats are gray in the dark") that, because Mewsette and Duchess are the "same", that the "other" and my "imaginary" girl are basically the same? Hmmm...I think not. Go away, Universe.

On 24 December 1970 (USA), "The AristoCats" was released...oh, Universe, you so funny. EVA GABOR as the lead female cat, "replacing" Mewsette (the "other"). Do I see a lawsuit coming for Disney "stealing" (sorry, I mean borrowing) themes from "Gay Purr-ee"? - perhaps not, as "The AristoCats" becomes the mainstream "version". "I told you so," says the Universe, blah blah, everyone likes "The AristoCats" more, wise guy - and continues to be rather smug and kicks more dust up over the public's eyes, apparently. And so it goes...But of course, I am used to it.

As I later married and my wife and I went to see a movie in 1996, which happened to be "The Ghost and the Darkness", the Universe had to "rub it in". "Watch and learn," says the Universe. I have written on this one before; in "Gay Purr-ee", there is a scene of Jaune-Tom's tail moving about above the tall grasses before he jumps out in an oh-so-happy scenario. Then...in "The Ghost and the Darkness" the lion's tail moves above the tall grasses in nearly the same way...just before it "eats" the main character's wife and newborn child. However...even in the movie - it is ONLY A DREAM. "No more 'Gay Purr-ee'," says the Universe (sounding like vibrations through a stone) as my heart has real palpitations. Oh what a wise guy this Universe is.

Included here are different parts of the same page from my wife's childhood journal. (And no, she had NOT seen or known of "Gay Purr-ee" or the "AristoCats").

gay purr-ee
dream dictionaries
the ghost and the darkness
dream dictionaries
movie influence on life's path
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