over 11 years ago
magic carpet
Game Changing Super Hero Students

I am in a secret super-hero mystery school. This is where magicians and witches who graduate from Hogwarts in 3d reality go to college to. I am a new girl, silent and nervous, taking a dance class in a giant cathedral cave. I feel dizzy and unsteady as I have just time warped and in this reality and am much larger. My fancy dance moves are rather weak her in this dimension. But my classmates are nice at first. Then a few start to taunt me. The teacher is teaching us through an advanced cyber kinetic telepathic technique. The class is being broadcast throughout the galaxy. There is obviously a star, a girl with long honey colored hair. She is beaming with confidence. I notice i look familiar to her. I am overwhelmed, I slip out of the class into a courtyard with a pool. It is night, the air is damp. I breath ragged breaths, I am sweating. I wander inside up a stairway corridor. Class lets out and the hall is filled momentarily with students. I hear girls talking about how infatuated they are with Danielle Radcliffe! Turns out Harry Potter was meant to be some sort of hologram portal to activate unsuspecting muggles super powers. In this dimension many students mimic these stars in hopes of gaining some of there proposed power. I feel something, with wings try to born through me.
The dark erie halls empty as students filter back to class. Someone rushes out of heavy door. He is pacing, breathing ragged breaths, mumbling. I am drawn towards him. He looks at me recognizing me thinking I am the star from the dance class. It is Harry Potter he is obviously quite upset. He seems quite relieved to see me. He grasps my shoulders desperately.
"Its happening to me again, I have a horcrux in my throught" he says horrified.
"Come outside the fresh air will help you" I say immediately as I take his arm
I am a little awed by the power he radiates. He follows me gratefully, out into the pool courtyard.
"What do I do Haley" he says exasperated
"I like to hang upside down in a high place" I answer without hesitating, but I realize its not me but a higher being that is embodying through me.
Harry stops and stares at me bewildered, then flashes his wand briefly at me. He is stung that I am not who he thought I was just another mimicking student. And in a flash he is gone.
I am excited by the encounter as I realize I am now embodied by a harpie bird goddess. Suddenly I am holding Danielle Radcliffe in my arms and we are soaring high above the school in a black wizard sky kind of like where Howl fly's in Howls moving castle. Harry is nestled in my arms.
"Don't be afraid" I whisper to him
"I am the divine bird goddess of legend incarnate, I am hear to activate this school to the next level of awareness, you are part of the lineage matrix I must integrate into this plan, that is why you where having horcrux pains in your throught you are ready to transforms I give him a bird bite kiss on his neck. He relaxes
The next day as I am walking with Harry I locate a quantum treasure chest filled with super hero tools in the pool courtyard. We experiment with them. The power is thrilling. Still I am not satisfied, I am looking for something in particular. I find it soon, a Pandora's box of sorts. In it is a white magic carpet, somehow there is a magic guitar cable with a crystalline matrix plug which somehow we plug into Harry Potters energy field. Two other top students immediately are called over to us and we plug them into the magic carpet. It immediately blasts off into the stratosphere. We whizz around amazed at our freedom to traverse many worlds in a nano-second. Suddenly we are confronted by the head school master and mistress of our college. The woman seems pleased at our discovery. She is matronly and kind with white hair. The man is furious, he resembles Zeus and Jehovah and a wizard.
"This is unacceptable" he roars
"You have broken the rules here, you shall be punished! He moves towards us as the woman looks grim looking as if she wants to protest.
Immediately a hyper speed chase ensues which I instigate. WE are rushing through cosmic galaxies dodging in and out of pillars of stone, portals of time. We remain just beyond Zues and he begins to hurtle quantum spells of violet fire dust at us which we narrowly escape. Using all of our collective power we barely jump into hyper space and leave him behind in the dust.
Suddenly we are back in our bodies by the pool. Dazed and exhilarated. The headmistress stands in front of us.
"So back in our bodies again are we" She taunts gently.
"You had better get back to class before you are found out" she says shooing us jovially out of the courtyard, surreptitiously gathering the illicit super hero tools up.
She seems celebratory, glad that we have taken the initiative to go beyond what we already know.
I awake still feeling the power of that realm coursing through my veins. The dream feels like an omen and a gift.

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magic carpet
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