over 8 years ago
☽ luna white wolf ☾

Part I: White Wolf Luna

This is the second night of dreaming in prison. I've been serving time for three months and I have two days until I'm released. I have cut my hair from being long, down to my lower back, now to very short. And this is cause for some grief, feeling I had made a rash decision and had to live with it for many years to come, while I grow it back out. I'm set on escaping prison, nonetheless, and I'm scheming all kinds of ways. I have a memory of trying once already, flying out of the prison with a flying guard chasing me... I had to get to this raven and touch it so it could send me to another space-time. And I was successful, but I also had a small imp companion who didn't make it in time. The guard latched onto him and the raven could not help us both. So I stayed in the prison with my companion. I didn't see him again after that. The prison doesn't look like a prison, it's more of a house. It's cozy enough, but it's the guards that make it feel like prison. (Underworld alert, things get a little gross) I decide that I'll confuse the guard and sneak out by doing a coffee enema and switching out the enema flush with the guards coffee he drinks. I realize, after switching it out, however, that I actually would rather stay the last day and be done with serving my time, no strings attached. So I get rid of the enema flush and settle in for the night. The next day, a change of guard happens, and the warden comes in. I see him and he walks right up to me and hugs me deeply and lovingly. There's a lot of love and I feel I know this man really well. I go into his office to talk about my release, at 8:17pm. He tries to reschedule my release out another month, but I insist he talks with me now. His soul is the same as my best girl friend's in waking life. So we talk about money, and I have all these pieces of paper that represent dollars. He hands me a small white wolf figurine and says "You can trade that in for more money if you want." Holding the totem in my hand, I get the name Luna (or Aluna), and I say "No way! This is my spirit guide!" And he smiles. We are both very pleased...

Part II: Holding up the serpent-shark

Having been released from prison finally, I go straight to the beach with friends. I'm in the water, the waves are huge, and I notice some of them suspend in the air over me, hanging there and then just disappear. Like I'm wave-proof. Wondering at this, a wave crests above me, but coming from the shore, not toward it... This one does come down on me and rocks my world, pushing me underwater. I'm in relatively shallow water... We are splashing around and I think... "this would be the perfect place for a shark to find us." My belly is on the sand and below my chest is the fin of a shark, it wriggles in front of me... The shark is very thin and serpentine looking, I hold it away from me as it curls back to look at me. It seems curious. I pick up the long shark and stand up, holding the shark above my head. It tries to nip at my hand a little, but not intensely, and doesn't break my skin. It seems rather calm... I run toward to the shore, tossing the shark back as far as I can to get away quickly, for I am a little afraid.... I wonder if my friends saw me holding up the shark up and had taken any pictures.... I look back and feel that it wants to come on land with me wonder if could live on land....

....and I flicker awake.

FEELS: I woke up feeling exhilarated, victorious at the introduction to my white wolf guide, Luna. I've known of her for years and years, but her form has never appeared to me until now. Such a beautiful surprise that she is white wolf. Gratitude... awe. As for the shark aspect, I felt a mix of fear and sadness for reacting in fear rather than communing with the spirit, which I perceive NOW, in this moment to be incredibly sweet and familiar.

REALITY CHECK: Well, I'm not surprised that shark has come in, especially with Robert, Amy and another dreamer on the calls talking about shark. I dream with this ally quite often, actually. There was another dream where I escaped from a prison and dove into the water and swam with sharks. Sometimes, they're scary, other times I feel sweet and snuggly with them. Last night I listened to Module 1 Island Woman, just before bed. I remember Robert mentioning white wolf a time or two.... But it didn't stand out to me. I did go to bed with the intention of connecting with my strongest animal totem ally. I've dreamed with hundreds of totem spirits over the years so it's kind of challenging to discern who are my constant guides and guardians and who is just coming in for the night or week or month.... Also, as I said, this is the second consecutive night of dreaming I'm in prison, being released.

ACTION: I just found and bought a small white wolf figurine. My mother's totem is wolf, so I'll call her today and see how she's doing, notice any synchronicities. I live a few blocks from the beach so I'll go down and be with the water there this evening. Also, why not... I'll rock a coffee enema! I haven't done one in over a year, and it's been on my mind because I'm day 5 into an intense candida cleanse. I also looked up serpent like sharks, and came up with what closely resembled the dream, the frill shark, although in the dream, he had more of a reef shark face. I'll also draw Luna White Wolf.

If you made it this far, thank you.... I'm practicing dreaming like an egyptian and remembering as much detail as I can.

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