over 13 years ago
High Council with Star Tetrahedron

This dream starts out, as a lot of them do, in the house I grew up in. My dad was at work, and as usual I am up to some kind of mischief. In this case, I am completely cleaning out the garage so that I can fill it with water. The dude that is with me throughout this dream is a shapeshifter. He's a dolphin, hence we are filling the garage with water so we can swim together. He dives in first and starts doing all these seaworld tricks for me. I dive in next and we flop around in the water together, building energy balls underwater and tossing them back and forth. My dad comes home and and opens the garage door, but the water stays put and he drives his car into it. Doesn't say a word about having to swim out of his car. Goes in the house as if nothing is different.

Next we are on the hunt for some firewood because we want to go camping. We search high and low, and find these self lighting self sustaining devices. We're set and ready to go... We are either on four-wheelers or we are just flying... We are blazing through a redwood forest. Its nighttime and the stars are out. A huuuuuuge space craft in an isosceles trianglular shape lights up the skyscape above us. Its zipping back and forth, up and down, side to side, disappearing, reappearing. I skid to stop, to find my partner, in a sort of dramatic cinematic headlight and in all black and white, slow motion, standing in the middle of the trail in front of me. He is directly facing me, legs spread apart, his hand and forefinger out as if he's pointing at me. His eyes are completely white and glowing rays of white light. He starts to channel the pilot of the ship that is dancing above us. At first it seemed all gravy and loving and awesome. But it turns into this really dark message from the ET he's channeling. Then he appears to be more possessed than anything else, and its gets a bit freaky. I run to him as he's about to throw himself over the edge of this cliff and I shank him to the ground. I say something along the lines of I love you, directing the energy at the ET pilot. She then dissipates her grip on his consciousness. He's all bloody and disoriented, and this beautiful ET being with white/grey/blueish skin shows up.

She tells us to come with her to this council meeting. She is wearing this beautiful irridescent blue garb. She's definitely a few hundred years old, but she seemed like a child. Her head was elongated and bald. She has full pink lips and a beauty that completely entrances me and my partner. I ask her her name and she says Star Tetrahedron. We walk with her along these meandering paths and reach a cave filled with an array of different ET beings. There's a transparent egg shaped pod with another female sirian in it at the front of the group. She says something to the degree of "Do not try this at home folks", and does some shifting of energy thing with us. Some other female sirian comes out from behind the pod and starts singing to the group "Don't let your people down by TRYING." With a long drawn out emphasis on 'trying'. We all begin dancing in this synchronized choreography, and I am surprised to find that I know the dance perfectly. I am dancing with this insectoid lookin fella and we are spinning around one another, singing...

So I either wake up at this point or I don't remember what goes down after this. Either way, the second I woke up I recorded the dream... As I was recalling, and you can even hear it on the recording, loud pops and booms start going off in my room. It sounds like things are falling to the floor or glass is cracking. Was soooo freaky, but a really cool experience.

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