over 13 years ago
restaurant conspiracies

i walk into a restaurant and i see stas and elliot talking at a round table. although i can't hear what they're saying, i can sense by elliot's gestures and his eyes that he's not telling stas the truth. they're having a business meeting and i'm watching and sensing all the subtleties of their conversation. i'm upset that elliot is lying to stas, and i resolve to tell him later. i realize i'm dreaming, and i wake up.

later, back in... running around like crazy. i'm on a serious time constraint, trying to get things done. levin is there trying to do my hair like she did for the wedding but it's going to take way too long so i tell her to leave it. i have like 20 min to find something to eat before.. before what? i don't know. i go to a grocery store and grab a waffle in a plastic container, and pay for it. i run around some more. i end up in a restaurant where my whole family is sitting at a big round table. there's an empty seat for me, and one for david, but david's not there. i sit down with them to eat my store-bought waffle, only to realize that my receipt has charges for all these other weird things on it and i get upset. i have to go back and get them to fix it. i do that. this dream is boring me and i want to find david. i remember i have to tell stas about elliot.

i leave and find david in another little indian restaurant, sitting in the corner. you can take naps on the table there, so we take a nap and we have a good snuggle. when i wake up, we're sitting on the floor, on a rug. there's this big book, which i think belongs to stas. it's like a giant, over-sized sketch book. it has writing on it in a spiral. i start reading it and realizing it's all about the cia, and stas' affiliation with them. i start to understand something. david is talking about getting sweaters from arizona to use in a project he's working on. it's important that they come from arizona.

suddenly david's dad appears, smiling. he tells us he's sad and he doesn't understand why. i see that his smile is fake and i'm disturbed by it. i ask if i can give him a hug. he says no, he has to go to bed. he's sad and doesn't know why. he leaves. i think he should just cry.

i go back to the table with david and he orders some indian food, but i don't want any. this little indian guy hands us a pint glass with about 2 inches of green juice in the bottom of it. he tells us each to take a sip and share it with the rest of our friends. i look down the wall and there's a whole row of tables of 2 people.. all friends we know. at the very end, stas is sitting with jocelyn. instead of passing the juice down the row of tables, i get up and walk all the way down to them. i hand stas the juice and say, "i know something about the cia. and i have to tell you something else about a dream i had." i suddenly realize i'm still dreaming and wake up.

also, much later in the day.. we drove to estes park and were walking around the town there. found ourselves in a little music store where i was looking at a flute and had a dream memory come back. sometime in the night i was playing a flute exactly like the one i had in 4th grade. i saw that flute in the music store. didn't remember that part of the dream until i was there.

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