over 12 years ago
World War 3

I have been having nightmares since I can remember. They would be so real that I couldn't tell the difference between the dream and reality. Many of my dreams come true but the catch is that they never happen they way they do in the dream. I have a theory that all possibilities exists in the moment, but having a dream of the future changes the outcome in reality. I hope this is true for the dream I just had.

I was watching the news. There, some government official came on and said we need to all meet in a big city for safety. I felt odd about the whole thing but my best friend was driving so I had to tag along. When we arrived people were in panic telling us to meet and take cover by this large fire truck. We walked over with the group when the fire fighters seemed panicked. They escorted us onto this large red and white bus when an announcement came on over the city speakers. " America is under attack, you need to all take cover, no one is safe". We all looked at on another in disbelief. How could this happen to us here on this land? We waited for what seemed like forever but nothing happened. Everyone was chatting happily when suddenly it hit. You could hear this bomb fall from the sky like slow motion, we all had the time to look at each other, and see the fear in our eyes. When the bomb hit, we all floated in mid air like the feeling when you are on an elevator and jump! When we hit the ground, time and reality caught up to us. Then like a large forth of July show they just kept going off, one after another, lighting up the night sky. In that moment I prayed for protection. I prayed for the people and I prayed for my self. Suddenly, my friend grabbed me by my hand and we were off.

We ran. We ran through fires and shootings. We ran through the hurt people and dead bodies. We ran to the car but when we were turning the corner, there she was. A blond woman in orange giving treacherous orders to hurt people and enslave the others. Someone yelled... pssssss, come hide over here. We looked around and there was a bus. we ran to it and jumped in, but it was to late, she spotted us. As we climbed into the back of the bus, we just took a seat and pretended that we were not the ones running. Her men opened the door and as soon as she stepped up a man from the bus attacked her. She grabbed his arm and spun him to his knees. Then she said something I never expected "years of your bad karma and actions has caused you to act this way; now it will bring you to your death" then she killed him.

She walked through the bus deciding everyone's fate. When she left to get her weapons of torture, my friend and I ran for our lives. We made it to the car and waited till the cost was clear. We drove as far as we could but the once beautiful streets were now covered with chaos. We had no choice but to abandon the car and walk. We walked through masses of people and experienced all the different levels of shit going on. Through the whole dream, I was never captured or hurt bad. I meet the right people that helped me get away but I couldn't say the same for them. We all waited for protection but how do you protect your people from yourself?

I've never had a dream this bad. I just pray that it is one of those dreams that changes at the sight of it.

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